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Partnership - Temple Moor

The East SILC pupils who attend the High Care Partnership (HCP) at Temple Moor High School are part of a department that is integrated, included and an important part of daily school life such that they are proud to call themselves a Temple Moor Student.  

Students who attend the partnership at Temple Moor have a wide range of SEND including, but not exclusive to; ASC, Downs Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, specific genetic conditions, language and communication needs, and global delay. 

All students in the partnership access some mainstream lessons, whereby they join a mainstream class for a timetabled lesson and actively join in with the support of East SILC staff as necessary.  Students are able to cope with the environment of a busy high school and are able to engage with their learning as they have a level of flexibility which enables them to cope well with changes that can occur in the day.

Due to the facilities we have available on site, some students with physical needs who attend the partnership are able to receive hydrotherapy and rebound therapy led by our trained staff.

When students reach KS4, they follow one of two possible pathways; one pathway enables students to access the qualification of Entry Level Certification or GCSE in the subjects of English, Maths and Science.  Students also study Arts Award and ASDAN where they can be accredited to achieve a recognised qualification.  In addition, some students have the option of studying a BTEC/GCSE course in the mainstream environment such as Construction, Textiles, P.E, or another option offered by mainstream, as and when it is appropriate for our students.

The second pathway is for students who are unable to achieve a qualification to Entry Level Standard.  Students in this cohort follow the AQA Unit Award Scheme in both core and foundation subjects to recognise and accredit the learning and progress they make in their curriculum subjects.  Students also study Arts Award, ASDAN and join a mainstream option to broaden and enrich their learning experience with us.

We adopt a wide range of teaching styles and techniques to ensure our children access Quality First Teaching in every learning opportunity. We are flexible and adaptive, and respond to the individual needs of a cohort, and indeed of each pupil. This means every child has a curriculum, suited to their needs and considerate of their EHCP requirements.

There are some approaches that we utilise for pupils to encourage or augment their communication, and to remove barriers to their learning. These include Widgit, visual timetables, Clicker and other current ICT programmes, Zones of Regulation, and a vast range of other techniques, to be used as needed.

There is an expectation that our students are able to participate in the mainstream offer we have available, and we support them with this at every opportunity.

Students in HCP have access to a range of ways to communicate. Some of our students use a communication aid to support their verbalisations whilst other students use Makaton, sign language or the use of symbols (Widgit) to support both their communication, reading and access to learning.

The concept of ‘communication’ is a golden thread that runs through every aspect of teaching and learning at the HCP. It is a crucial aspect of our day, every day, and this can be seen in the highly skilled approaches you will see from our staff. Communication is encouraged and supported at all times – between peers, but also modelled by staff and between staff and students. We feel more able to understand the ever-changing needs of our students because we have excellent relationships and methods of communicating, that ensure we know how our students are feeling – regardless of their initial approach to communication.

In the HCP area we have 3 classrooms which have adapted equipment such as moving and handling hoists, rise and fall tables, and more, to support students in accessing their learning. We also have a small adapted kitchen with a rise and fall sink and hob, and access to a washing machine and oven. We value the access to these appliances as they enable us to teach and support students with their life skills.

Our other facilities include an on-site hydrotherapy pool, a rebound therapy room and a sensory room which specific students have access to, in order to support them with their physical and/or sensory needs.

As we are a part of the wider mainstream school our students access the main school dinner hall, the P.E. sports hall and gym, Food Technology Rooms, ICT rooms and subject specific rooms such as the Drama Studio, Construction Room and Textiles Room if they are part of that specific mainstream inclusion.

When students join the HCP partnership they join a mainstream form.  Typically, 3 HCP students join a mainstream class of up to 30 students. HCP students are supported by a member of East SILC staff to aid their inclusion and support them when needed, and students access their form for 30 minutes daily.  This includes attending assemblies, following their PSHE curriculum, and participating fully in the mainstream offer.

In addition, students are timetabled to experience a mainstream option which usually ranges in time commitment from 1-3 hours a week.  The options include subjects such as Performance, Art and Design, Construction, Textiles, Music or another subject depending on what is available that year and offered by the mainstream provision. Students also access 1 hour of mainstream P.E weekly. 

The school community at Temple Moor is a very inclusive environment which will warmly welcome any student, including those with a wide range of needs. We are part of one learning experience, and being at Temple Moor enriches our HCP students’ educational offer. 

For a virtual tour of the High Care Partnership at Temple Moor, click HERE

School Hours

Start - 8.15am

Finish - 2.50pm


 To see Temple Moor staff, please see the 'Our Staff' page

Term Dates

East SILC Term Dates 2024-2025

Autumn Term

Autumn term 1 starts - Wednesday 4th September 2024

Autumn term 1 ends - Friday 25th October 2024


Autumn term 2 starts - Monday 4th November 2024

Autumn term 2 ends - Friday 20th December 2024


Spring Term

Spring term 1 starts - Monday 6th January 2025

Spring term 1 ends - Friday 14th February 2025


Spring term 2 starts - Monday 24th February 2025

Spring term 2 ends - Friday 4th April 2025


Summer Term

Summer term 1 starts - Tuesday 22nd April 2025

May Bank Holiday - Monday 5th May 2025

Summer term 1 ends - Friday 23rd May 2026


Summer term 2 starts - Monday 2nd June 2025

Summer term 2 ends - Friday 18th July 2025


School training days for academic year 2023-24

Monday 2nd September 2024

Tuesday 3rd September 2024

Monday 2nd December 2024

Monday 21st July 2025

Tuesday 22nd July 2025


Pupils wear the same uniform for school and PE as Temple Moor pupils: 


Photo Gallery

 All photos taken by Lottie Bone Photography - 

Temple Moor

All pictures taken by Lottie Bone Photography -