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Welcome to our school


It is a privilege to lead the East Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre (SILC) and be part of this amazing school community. We believe every day is a chance to Succeed. This is achieved through our values of SUCCEED - Support, Understanding, Compassion, Commitment, Enjoyment, Empathy and Dignity. 

The East Specialist Inclusive Learning Centre (SILC) is one of the largest specialist settings in the North of England. It has three main sites:

  • John Jamieson (2-19) for pupils with severe, profound and complex needs including hearing, visual impairments, autism spectrum disorder, and other significant health conditions where medical support is required from the nursing team.
  • Jack Clark (4-11) for pupils with moderate to severe learning difficulties including social and emotional needs, autism, hearing, visual, physical and other health needs not requiring daily medical intervention from the nursing team.
  • Roger Cannon (11-16) for pupils with moderate to severe learning difficulties including social and emotional needs, autism, hearing, visual, physical and other health needs not requiring daily medical intervention from the nursing team.

We also have two partnerships with local mainstream schools – Temple Moor High School and Whitkirk Primary School where pupils remain on the roll of the East SILC but benefit from an inclusive mainstream social and learning offer. This enables our pupils to access some lessons alongside mainstream peers whilst continuing to access specialist teaching by our own staff.

The East SILC is a complex organisation which also leads and manages the city-wide Physical Difficulties and Medical Service and the Medical Needs Teaching Service, which includes sites at both Leeds hospitals, Queenswood Education Centre and Red Kite View.

At Post 16 some students attend our specialist Post 16 annex at Brigshaw High School, taught by our specialist staff whilst experiencing and benefiting from a larger mainstream campus. This provision best meets the needs of those students who are likely to access college or apprenticeship type provision. All other Post 16 students are taught at John Jamieson and similar to those students at Brigshaw, follow a curriculum preparing them for adulthood.

For us, all children and young people are unique and deserve a curriculum that is as personalised as possible in order to meet their individual needs and unlock their potential.

To achieve this, we ensure that our skilled teachers plan for each child and young person using their unique Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) alongside a broad National Curriculum that is effectively adapted. This is further enhanced through a wide range of interventions and the expertise of other agencies:

  • Health on-site nursing team, regular clinics
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Educational Psychology  

In addition to the above services who are provided through the NHS we also employ our own Speech and Language team and commission the equivalent of two days Occupational Therapy. This additionality ensures an enriched learning offer and enhanced opportunity to meet each pupil’s individual needs.

We invest heavily in the professional development of all our staff using evidenced based research to ensure the team continues to develop their knowledge and expertise. This means we offer our children/young people a curriculum which is creative, imaginative and stimulating whilst offering the flexibility to meet the needs of all our children and young people.

Our website aims to give you a taster of what the East SILC is about as well as  a range of useful information. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information. 

Louise Quinn, Executive Principal, East SILC