Please click here for the DfE Performance Tables for East SILC.
Please see the below accreditation results:
2023 Exam Results2024 Exam Results
Please see the below leavers’ accreditation and destinations:July 2022 Leavers
July 2023 LeaversJuly 2024 Leavers
Progress 8/ Attainment 8
Progress 8 and Attainment 8 are key measures used to evaluate pupil achievement in secondary schools. Attainment 8 assesses pupils' overall performance across 8 subjects, including English, maths, three subjects from the sciences, languages and humanities, plus three additional approved subjects. The Attainment 8 score reflects a pupil's raw performance, while Progress 8 measures their progress from the end of KS2 to the end of KS4. Progress 8 compares a pupil's results to the national average of pupils with similar starting points, offering a way to see how well the school supports pupils of all abilities in achieving their potential.
As a generic special school, the East SILC does not currently offer GCSEs or A-Level courses. DfE advises: "Floor standards do not apply to special schools."
English Baccalaureate
No pupils are entered for the EBacc
End of KS2 tests
Currently no End of Key Stage 2 tests are conducted.
% of learners staying in education/ going to employment at end of KS4 = 100%