Assessment & Progress
Children and young people (CYP) at the East SILC have a wide range of learning needs, from moderate to severe learning difficulties, complex medical conditions, autistic spectrum conditions and children and young people with social, emotional and mental health needs. All CYP enter the East SILC at different stages. Within the first 6 weeks of being at the East SILC, all CYP are baselined to enable teachers to determine future progress.
CYP’s progress is recorded on B-Squared Connecting Steps and evidence is stored on Evisense and within other internal systems. Progress is measured against their academic subject areas, as well as their Education and Health Care Plans (EHCPs). We use Individual Learning Pathway Plans to break down EHCP outcomes into smaller targets to be achieved termly. Targets are reviewed termly with parents/carers and support from external agencies where applicable.
Progress on the curriculum is reviewed termly in progress meetings. Interventions are implemented if we feel CYPs need support to achieve their expected and aspirational targets. All CYP will review their EHCPs with support from their parents/carers and other agencies where applicable. Each CYP will receive an annual report detailing progress in all areas covered for the individual over the course of the year.
CYP at the East SILC are able to complete a range of accredited courses from various providers. CYP can start to access accredited courses from KS2 until they leave the East SILC in Year 14. The intent of accreditation is to help CYP progressively build upon their knowledge and skills and celebrate their achievements. Accredited courses help CYP achieve their next steps in their learning, provide motivation and help meet specifications for employment or further education.
At each assessment point, teachers use their professional judgement to decide whether a student is progressing through the curriculum at the expected pace. Evidence for this is taken from a range of sources including student learning records (e.g. books, Evisense), B-Squared, and ongoing in-class assessments. Strategies and interventions to support students are discussed at termly progress meetings along with strategies for stretch and challenge to ensure all students continue to make good progress.